So it's Tales ye've come aboard t' hear told 'ee, is it...?
Well, pack yer pipe, pour yerself a good jar o' Navy ration, an' settle back t' hear ~
Avast, ye've come topside aboard Blighter's Longshot, so set yer course for yonder Tee'nii H'ai, or go back below t' hear some lore,
or go ashore at Blighter's Tradin' Post...
( Them's yer choices, mate. )
Return to Longshot Belowdecks
Cast off for exotic Tee'nii H'ai, where the mysterious Lilava Lam'poonea dwells in her magic pool, deep in the sultry jungle beyond the steamy siren shore...
~ Or ~
Return to Longshot Belowdecks
Wash ashore an' 'ave a look 'round
"Blighter's Port Skyward Tradin' Post"
while yer 'ere...
( ~ an' boost anythin' what ain't nailed down, says we...! )
~ Or ~
Return to Longshot Belowdecks
Ahh...!, the lust fer Treasure lures ye, does it?
Bo'sun Blighter also seeks the fabled fortune of the vanished Fabulabu...
True, 'tis somewhere's on YoYo Island, but -- Where...?
Aye, the Map may hold a clue or two for 'ee...
...though ye'll have'ta search durin' the daylight, t' find that what's sunk at night!
Git yer bearings an' come back at YoYo Day (after 9:00 am, Your time)
to seek fortune an' adventure at Leaky Lake...!
Fer a more detailed look at Ye Mappe ~ ~ CLICKON ye Bottle, left...
~ Or ~
Return to Longshot Belowdecks
T'ain't like 'ee wern't warned, in'it...?
Right, then...
If 'ee agrees t' be genteel-like, ye can come back aboard...
~ Aft ~   ~ For'ard ~
at the
current Time-O-Day
Indexed for "Exoti-Cadets" -
Dive In...!
Yar Booty or scurvy Swag?
You decide, Matey...!
Contact Trader Lymin,
if Ye've a mind to...
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Original sm Internet Entertainments Created & Produced by Johnny Curtis
"YOYO ISLAND " is an online interactive saterical entertainment based on
original scenarios and characters by Johnny Curtis / Curtis Amusements.
Website by
in association with

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