Enter, if you dare ~
Who knows what devious traps may await the unwary, eh? Certainly not the Ill-fated Lostagan Expedition back in '99, as they searched for the TREASURE ROOM's secret entrance... Best to Proceed Cautiously...!
"Ooops...!" Um, sorry..., you've fallen into ~
The same fate, alas, as many who've come seeking Fabulabi treasure... Well, you can writhe in helpless agony for a while, or, climb back up through the open trap-door... ( And do be careful this time, eh? )
Think it's that easy to find the secret Treasure Room of the lost-est city on Earth?
Oh no, you've got some archaeology to do, friend.
Now, as near as old
Romulous ("Blinky") Carruthers,
the ill-fated Lostagan Expedition's seasoned senior tomb-looter could deduce, these ancient Fabulabi glyphs could either mean:
"Roast Beef on Rye, with Mustard"
~ or ~
"Retrace your steps ~
( i.e., use the Torch-Link, left )
~ back to the Corridor Threshold...
Got it...? Off you go now. Beware of fiendish Fabulabi TRAPS and proceed with caution...!
( Lore Galore )   ( YoYo Return )
at the
current Time-O-Day
Indexed for "Exoti-Cadets" -
Dive In...!
Yar Booty or scurvy Swag?
You decide, Matey...!
Contact Trader Lymin,
if Ye've a mind to...
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Original sm Internet Entertainments Created & Produced by Johnny Curtis
"YOYO ISLAND " is an online interactive saterical entertainment based on
original scenarios and characters by Johnny Curtis / Curtis Amusements.
Website by
in association with



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