A light shines forth in the crimson gloom of Cauldron Cavern, glowing amid the glowering towers of fabled Fabulabula...
WHO yet remains within the walls of this mighty, mysterious metropolis?
Only one way to find out ~ if you've got the nerve to enter...
Took the LAST beer? Ate ALL the popcorn? Tsk, tsk... Now you've fallen into ~
Well, you can writhe in helpless agony for a while, or, climb back up through the open trap-door...
( And it might be wise not to completely scarf all the brew and munchies next time, yes? )
Not quite what you expected? Ahh, that's what finding a fabulous fortune in sunken treasure can do for your decorating options... But, where's Moo'lah? Off planting false leads for Bo'Sun Blighter to chase around the island, probably. He really gets a kick out of that.
Or he could be out showing the famous investigatologist Odin Hyebahl how to find his "Fabu-Fabu"...
Or could be he's getting ready to go on his eternal hunt for the alluring Lilava Lam'poonea, the sultry south-seas siren who ignites his passion, and is the reason why he's the only one of the vanished Fabulabu to remain behind on YoYo Island. He knows Lilava's secret, and is making plans to capture her heart (he hopes), or, failing that, at least capture her...
So..., you can hang out and relax here for a while (it's possible Moo'lah won't mind -- then again, no telling what exactly happened to the last survivors of the ill-fated Lostagan Expedition -- was it just a false step in Fabulabula's Corridor of Mystery...? Pull a COLD BEER out of the ice bucket, have a little POPCORN, and check out the pad's favorite channel, "Tiki-Tube"...) ~
But if the lust for adventure still grips you (after you've had that beer), we can say that there's booty yet t' be had in the
"Great Treasure Chamber of Fabulabula"
~ if you can find its location deep within the city towers.
The Pad has several EXITS ( but be warned -- the least pleasant one is reserved for those who get a little too greedy with Moo'lah's hospitality... )
~Aft~   ~For'ard~
Ah, now that you're cozy on the couch, feel free to tune into ~
~Aft~     ~For'ard~
at the
current Time-O-Day
Indexed for "Exoti-Cadets" -
Dive In...!
Yar Booty or scurvy Swag?
You decide, Matey...!
Contact Trader Lymin,
if Ye've a mind to...
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Original sm Internet Entertainments Created & Produced by Johnny Curtis
"YOYO ISLAND " is an online interactive saterical entertainment based on
original scenarios and characters by Johnny Curtis / Curtis Amusements.
Website by
in association with

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