YoYo DAY: 9am to 4pm
YoYo NIGHT: 9pm to 4am
Because you'll find (or not find) different things there at different times of day, above and below the ocean surface! Some of the Island's Inhabitants can only be found at Twilight and Night, and some only in full YoYo Day...
Experienced Tiki-Hunters know that you can only find "Hap'ii Tiki" at the time of day when the little island of "Tee'nii H'ai" becomes visible behind YoYo Island, and that to greet "Gnar'lii Tiki" at Haffaday Bay one must arrive when the island has entirely risen from the sea (by noonday); while"Fire'ii Tiki" sleeps days and nights, but can be found when Mt. Kabumi is in full eruption, around sunrise and sunset…
WHEN will the Timeless Wisdom and Mysterious Power that motivates these otherwise silent stone sentinels make itself manifest for YOU...?
Got Time for a Quick Splash?
There's always something cool and wet on the bar down at "Shelly's Dive", though the house band doesn't usually really get cookin' until
YoYo Island Night.
Oh yeah -- that's also when you can get Your ticket to the Nightly FishFights...
And be sure to catch the boat for ~
2 Adventures
Mornings & Evenings at
YoYo Twilight...!
When exactly is the best time to goof off on
( aft )   ( YoYo Return )   ( forward )
at the
current Time-O-Day
Indexed for "Exoti-Cadets" -
Dive In...!
Yar Booty or scurvy Swag?
You decide, Matey...!
Contact Trader Lymin,
if Ye've a mind to...
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Original sm Internet Entertainments Created & Produced by Johnny Curtis
"YOYO ISLAND " is an online interactive saterical entertainment based on
original scenarios and characters by Johnny Curtis / Curtis Amusements.
Website by
in association with



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